Most web development tools are OS-agnostic: code editors, preprocessors, design software, package managers, and testing frameworks are almost always cross-platform. Organizing packages and modules via package managers (e.g.
Organizing the project via version control software (e.g.Writing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code.To provide a level playing field for each operating system, let’s assume that we’re working on a small project and doing everything by ourselves: After all, distinct categories like front-end and back-end both refer to web development.

“Web development” is a broad term encompassing a lot of different tasks and activities. OK, so what does web development include? In this article, we will examine these intricacies and outline the pros and cons of each OS in the web development sphere. file structure and app support) and how they affect the development process. As we take a closer look, however, we start to see the intricacies of each OS (e.g. What about web development, though? On the surface, all operating systems are equally capable of performing web dev-related tasks: after all, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are universal and require no proprietary IDE. With JavaScript arguably becoming the lingua franca of many of today’s developers, this discussion is carried on to the web side of things. In the IT-sphere in general, this discussion primarily concerns Windows, macOS, and Linux: although developers do understand that each OS is a specific tool made for specific purposes, it’s often hard to resist the temptation of comparing their features, pros, and cons. oranges” posts that appear every now and then. This heaty discussion is a worthy successor to the “Mac vs. Operating System B” (all the while Operating System C users storm in saying “Our OS is actually better than either of yours!”) is a hot topic in the developer community.