Mac: fixed an issue where in model materials were not visible until opening or creating a model.Windows: fixed an issue where material (*.skm) files saved on Windows would not display material thumbnails on the Mac.Windows: fixed an issue where cancelling from saving a file with the "File > Save As" menu resulted in a failure to prompt you to save unfinished work.Windows: fixed an issue where thumbnail images in the Component Options dialog did not display for standard, non-admin users.Windows: fixed a common crash that could occur when opening certain models with large images on XP.Changed the Text tool to report the xyz coordinate location when adding text to construction points.

Fixed an issue where drag selection did not always work properly after doing a triple-click select.Fixed an issue where artifacts could be seen when holding down the left mouse button and moving the mouse rapidly with the Select tool active.Fixed an issue where 64-bit 4 x 16-bit RGBA alpha images displayed opaque.Fixed the Layers toolbar to perform a case-insensitive sort when sorting layers.Fixed an issue where SketchUp could appear to hang after switching between a scene with no transparency and one with nicer transparency.Fixed an issue where certain models with large textures and nicer transparency could become unusable after toggling x-ray mode off and on.Fixed a crash that could occur when opening models containing images with certain Exif data on them.Fixed a crash that could occur when loading models with invalid match photo images.